Searching out the Mysteries of God
I like reading detective mysteries as there is some fun in attempting to puzzle out the culprit. My curiosity and eagerness to search out who it is, causes me to read long into the night to finish the story and discover “whodunit.” This eagerness to learn the “truth” should also be a part of our spiritual discipleship, causing us to investigate and understand God, His Word, and His creation (world and people).
As leaders, we are called to lead with God’s wisdom using what we have learned from our investigations to benefit those around us (Proverbs 25:2). God allows some things to remain a mystery so that we have reason to seek out understanding and the truth (Deuteronomy 29;29, Prov 25:2, Matt 13:11-13, and Mark 4:11). After all, everything that is good, beautiful, and true comes from God! So pursuing an understanding of the people and world around us leads us to God (Romans 1:20).
The Triune God is beyond our understanding as we realize the more we know, the more we do not know! Isaiah 55:8-9 reminds us that God’s ways are above ours and that we will not be able to comprehend or know everything – at least not until we get to Heaven and ask Him! Until then, we can respond to these mysteries of life in awe of God.
O Lord, our Lord,
How magnificent is your reputation throughout the earth!
You reveal your majesty in the heavens above.
From the mouths of children and nursing babies
You have ordained praise on account of your adversaries,
So that you might put an end to the vindictive enemy.
When I look up at the heavens, which your fingers made,
And see the moon and the stars, which you set in place,
Of what importance is the human race, that you should notice them?
Of what importance is mankind, that you should pay attention to them?
You made them a little less than the heavenly beings.
You crowned mankind with honor and majesty.
You appoint them to rule over your creation;
You have placed everything under their authority,
Including all the sheep and cattle,
As well as the wild animals,
The birds in the sky, the fish in the sea,
And everything that moves through the currents of the seas.
O Lord, our Lord,
How magnificent is your reputation throughout the earth!
- (Psalm 8:1-9)
Keep seeking understanding and wisdom as we praise the majesty of our God, our Creator! May we continue to find amazement at the awesomeness of God, who is beyond us!