Creative Focus Devotional and Journal
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27.”
God Himself is the great Creator whose artwork is visible throughout all of creation. Just look at the beautiful mountains, lakes, beaches, forests, and gardens! God was the first artist showing amazing creativity throughout His Creation. Not only is God an amazing artist creating something from nothing, but He is also an amazing problem-solver! His creative thinking brought us redemption through Jesus’ death on a cross and victory in His resurrection! And the amazing thing is that we are made in God’s image and therefore designed to be creative ourselves!
God’s creative problem solving is seen through many Biblical characters’ stories as they respond in unique ways with wise solutions. God’s Spirit was breathed into man during the creation story we see in Genesis, giving humans the character to be creative in all they do. In the Old Testament we see glimpses of the Holy Spirit working through God’s people to deal with big issues. The Holy Spirit abided with Jesus after His baptism and throughout His ministry. The Holy Spirit was given to His disciples after Jesus went back to Heaven and now is available to every Christian – helping us to be creative in the area God has placed us. The Holy Spirit leads and guides us to use our gifts for God’s purpose and as such we have the opportunity to make a difference in this world!
The Creative Focus Devotional and Journal looks at creativity in the Bible. Each week is designed to read Scripture showing God’s creativity and then participate in a creative exercise allowing you to practice being creative! It is a great opportunity to connect with God and enjoy the person He designed you to be. The first section focuses on the creative arts and the second section focuses on creative problem-solving. You will have the opportunity to try many different types of art as well as focus on problem-solving and the creative way God has designed you for a purpose in His Kingdom. It is a great Bible Study activity to do as a family – whether you choose to follow a weekly schedule or you choose different passages and activities for some fun family time. May you enjoy the Scriptures, devotions and creative exercises designed for you!